Spotfree Electric Beauty Pen

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The Spotfree Electric Beauty Pen offers a discreet and effective way to target blemishes and discolorations and to eliminate spots. Crafted with a sophisticated blend of modern technology and luxury design, this pen is your go-to source for making sure your skin is always looking its best. Its unique, pen-like shape allows for precise application, making it perfect for any removal needs.

How Spotfree Electric Beauty Pen helps Shelly get rid of unwanted skin blemishes. Congrats on the success!
"I have been getting a lot of moles on my face and hated them. So I started researching mole removal products. I went back and forth about buying Spotfree Electric Beauty Pen and I am so glad that I brought it. This product is super easy to use and most of my moles are gone. It has be about few weeks and wow weeeeee clear skin. The burning process hurts little bit but if you can bare through the pain then it is so worth it."
No More Skin Tags In A Few Days
Now you don’t have to put up with blemishes that make your skin look unappealing and take a toll on your confidence anymore. Your 10-min remedy to flawless skin for the weekend! Spotfree Electric Beauty Pen is here to help you say goodbye to annoying skin blemishes easily and safely.
Remove up to 10 types of skin blemishes at home! It removes dark spots, moles, skin tags, freckles, nevus, and even on unwanted tattoos on any parts of your face and body! Try out Spotfree Electric Beauty Pen, your ultimate anti-imperfection helper to gently, easily, and effectively eliminates blemishes. Reveal spotless skin in 10 days while assuring zero appearance of scars or feel of pain.
  • Removes all your unwanted skin spots.
  • An effective way, without pain, or bleeding!
  • Safe product.
  • Fast skin spot remover.
  • Adjustable gear current.
  • Tattoo removal.
  • Reliable and convenient.
  • Economical and can work for all skin types.
Remove up to 10 types of skin blemishes 
Just apply the needle of the Mole Removal directly on your moles, freckles, dark spots, skin tags, moles, blemishes, and more. 

Simple & Powerful Home Beauty Device
With 6 easy-to-follow steps, no proficiency is required just 5-10 minutes. You can do it from the comfort of your home and you'll regain your confidence and reveal the beautiful skin you've always wanted!

How to Use:

  1. Cleanse and dry your skin thoroughly before use.
  2. Adjust the intensity level according to your preference and skin type.
  3. Gently press the pen's tip against the targeted area and move it in a circular motion for 2-3 seconds.
  4. Repeat the process for each imperfection you want to treat.
  5. Apply a soothing cream or moisturizer after the treatment to nourish your skin. Use regularly for best results.

Here are some of our happy customers:

"Works amazing! It is great for my 64-year-old skin and reduces brown spots and the appearance of moles. You can see the difference after a few days.It is a must-buy. This has greatly improved my spots first they lightened and now almost gone. It is painful but does work well. After I used the Spotfree beauty pen, I must apply hydrating moisturizing lotion on it. It can recovery within few weeks."  - Jennifer Nicholson


  • Material: ABS
  • Color: White
  • Length: Approx. 18 cm / 7.1 inch
  • Package Weight: Approx. 117 g
  • Type: Spot Removal Pen
  • Function: Removing Spots, Dot Mole, Tattoo, etc. 
  • Package Includes: 1 x Spotfree Electric Beauty Pen
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